Speech Prosody 9 (June 13-16, 2018)

We presented our paper Convergence of Pitch Accents in a Shadowing Task at this year’s International Conference on Speech Prosody held from June 13 to 16, 2018 at Collegium Iuridicum Novum, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. Our talk was part of the session on prosody and discourse together with contributions by Štefan Beňuš and colleagues as well as Margaret Zellers and Antje Schweitzer.

Book of abstracts


SimPhon.Net (June 4–6, 2018)

Many thanks to SimPhon.Net in cooperation with the Stuttgart Research Focus Language and Cognition for having us at the workhop on psycholinguistic, cognitive and neurolinguistic modeling in phonetics and phonology. We had a great time both during the scientific discussions and when exploring the beautifully situated University of Hohenheim!

[Book of abstracts: www.simphon.net/simphon_workshop5.pdf]

hɛʁtslɪç vɪlkɔmən!

It wasn’t that difficult to launch a website, after all… Thanks to Github Pages for the very convenient repository integration and free hosting, the guys at Jekyll, as well as to Mark Otto for his great Jekyll theme.