
Under Review
I. Gessinger, N. Becker, B. R. Cowan: Exploring the Relationship between Mental Boundary Strength and Phonetic Accommodation. Submitted to Language and Speech.
I. Gessinger, K. Seaborn, M. Steeds, B. R. Cowan: ChatGPT and Me: First-Time and Experienced Users' Perceptions of ChatGPT's Communicative Ability as a Dialogue Partner. Submitted to International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.
[Journal, SSRN]
P. R. Doyle, I. Gessinger, J. Edwards, L. Clark, O. Dumbleton, D. Garaialde, D. Rough, A. Bleakley, B. R. Cowan: The Partner Modelling Questionnaire: A Validated Self-Report Measure of Perceptions toward Machines as Dialogue Partners. Submitted to ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction.
[Journal, arXiv]

I. Gessinger (2022): Phonetic Accommodation of Human Interlocutors in the Context of Human-Computer Interaction. Ph.D. thesis, Saarland University, Saarbrücken.
[Dissertation, DOI]

Journal articles
P. R. Peña, P. Doyle, J. Edwards, D. Garaialde, D. Rough, A. Bleakley, L. Clark, A. Tobar Henriquez, H. Branigan, I. Gessinger, B. R. Cowan (2023): Audience Design and Egocentrism in Reference Production during Human-Computer Dialogue. In: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 176, 103058.
[Journal, DOI]
I. Gessinger, B. Möbius, S. Le Maguer, E. Raveh, I. Steiner (2021): Phonetic Accommodation in Interaction with a Virtual Language Learning Tutor: a Wizard-of-Oz Study. In: Journal of Phonetics 86, 101029.
[Journal, DOI]
I. Gessinger, E. Raveh, I. Steiner, B. Möbius (2021): Phonetic Accommodation to Natural and Synthetic Voices: Behavior of Groups and Individuals in Speech Shadowing. In: Speech Communication 127, 43-63.
[Journal, DOI]

Conference articles
I. Gessinger, B. Andreeva, B. R. Cowan (2024): The Use of Modifiers and f0 in Remote Referential Communication with Human and Computer Partners. In: Interspeech, September 1–5, Kos Island/Greece.
[Conference, Full Paper]
E. A. Shams, I. Gessinger, P. C. English, J. Carson-Berndsen (2024): Are Articulatory Feature Overlaps Shrouded in Speech Embeddings? In: Interspeech, September 1–5, Kos Island/Greece.
[Conference, Full Paper]
M. Masson, E. A. Shams, I. Gessinger, J. Carson-Berndsen. (2024): PhoneViz: Exploring Alignments at a Glance. In: Interspeech, September 1–5, Kos Island/Greece.
[Conference, Short Paper, Show and Tell]
K. Seaborn, I. Gessinger, S. Yoshida, B. R. Cowan, P. R. Doyle (2024): Cross-Cultural Validation of Partner Models for Voice User Interfaces. In: ACM Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, July 8–10, Luxembourg City/Luxembourg, Article 19, 1-10.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI, arXiv]
R. Jaber, S. Zhong, S. Kuoppamäki, A. Hosseini, I. Gessinger, D. P. Brumby, B. R. Cowan, D. McMillan (2024): Cooking With Agents: Designing Context-aware Voice Interaction for Complex Tasks. In: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 11–16, Honolulu, HI/USA.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI]
→ Best Paper Award at CHI 2024 🏆
I. Gessinger, M. Cohn, B. R. Cowan, G. Zellou, B. Möbius (2023): Cross-linguistic Emotion Perception in Human and TTS Voices. In: Interspeech, August 20-24, Dublin/Ireland, 5222-5226.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI]
S. Davern, O. Cooney, I. Gessinger, B. R. Cowan (2023): Investigating the Usability of a Speech Agent-based Role-playing Game. In: ACM Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, July 19-21, Eindhoven/The Netherlands, 38.
[Conference, Short Paper, Poster, DOI]
I. Gessinger, M. Cohn, G. Zellou, B. Möbius (2022): Cross-Cultural Comparison of Gradient Emotion Perception: Human vs. Alexa TTS Voices. In: Interspeech, September 18-22, Incheon/South Korea, 4970-4974.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI]
B. Andreeva, G. Demenko, J. Bachan, I. Gessinger, K. Jankowska, B. Möbius (2021): Phonetic convergence evaluation based on fundamental frequency variability. In: 32th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), March 3-5, Berlin/Germany, 153-160.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk]
I. Gessinger, B. Möbius, B. Andreeva, E. Raveh, I. Steiner (2020): Phonetic Accommodation of L2 German Speakers to the Virtual Language Learning Tutor Mirabella. In: Interspeech, October 25-29, Shanghai/China, 4118-4122.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI]
→ ISCA Award for Best Student Paper at Interspeech 2020 🏆
M. Cohn, E. Raveh, K. Predeck, I. Gessinger, B. Möbius, G. Zellou (2020): Differences in Gradient Emotion Perception: Human vs. Alexa Voices. In: Interspeech, October 25-29, Shanghai/China, 1818-1822.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI]
I. Gessinger, B. Möbius, B. Andreeva, E. Raveh, I. Steiner (2019): Phonetic Accommodation in a Wizard-of-Oz Experiment: Intonation and Segments. In: Interspeech, September 15-19, Graz/Austria, 301-305.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI]
E. Raveh, I. Siegert, I. Steiner, I. Gessinger, B. Möbius (2019): Three's a Crowd? Effects of a Second Human on Vocal Accommodation with a Voice Assistant. In: Interspeech, September 15-19, Graz/Austria, 4005-4009.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI]
I. Gessinger, B. Möbius, N. Fakhar, E. Raveh, I. Steiner (2019): A Wizard-of-Oz Experiment to Study Phonetic Accommodation in Human-Computer Interaction. In: International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), August 5-9, Melbourne/Australia, 1475-1479.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk]
E. Raveh, I. Steiner, I. Siegert, I. Gessinger, B. Möbius (2019): Comparing Phonetic Changes in Computer-Directed and Human-Directed Speech. In: 30th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), March 6-8, Dresden/Germany, 42-49.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk]
→ Best Student Paper at ESSV 2019 🏆
E. Raveh, I. Steiner, I. Gessinger, B. Möbius (2018): Studying Mutual Phonetic Influence with a Web-Based Spoken Dialogue System. In: 20th International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM), September 18-22, Leipzig/Germany. Springer, Cham, 552-562.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI, arXiv]
I. Gessinger, A. Schweitzer, B. Andreeva, E. Raveh, B. Möbius, I. Steiner (2018): Convergence of Pitch Accents in a Shadowing Task. In: Speech Prosody 9, June 13-16, Poznań/Poland, 225-229.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI]
I. Gessinger, E. Raveh, S. Le Maguer, B. Möbius, I. Steiner (2017): Shadowing Synthesized Speech – Segmental Analysis of Phonetic Convergence. In: Interspeech, August 20-24, Stockholm/Sweden, 3797-3801.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI]
E. Raveh, I. Gessinger, S. Le Maguer, B. Möbius, I. Steiner (2017): Investigating Phonetic Convergence in a Shadowing Experiment with Synthetic Stimuli. In: 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), March 15-17, Saarbrücken/Germany, 254-261.
[Conference, Full Paper, Poster]

Edited volumes
S. Warchhold, D. Duran, I. Gessinger, E. Raveh (editors) (2022): Proceedings of the Conference: Human Perspectives on Spoken Human-Machine Interaction. November 15-17, 2021, Freiburg/Germany (online).
[Conference, Proceedings, DOI]

Invited talks
Phonetic Accommodation in Interaction with a Virtual Agent. In: HCI@UCD Research Seminar Series, October 21, 2022, Dublin/Ireland.
[Colloquium, Talk]
Cross-Cultural Comparison of Gradient Emotion Perception. In: Research Colloquium of the Multilinguality and Language Technology (MLT) group at the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), August 16, 2022, Saarbrücken/Germany.
[Colloquium, Talk]
Phonetic Accommodation in Interaction with a Virtual Agent. In: Research Colloquium of the Human Language Technologies group at INESC-ID, July 6, 2022, Lisbon/Portugal.
[Colloquium, Talk]
Zur phonetischen Anpassung an virtuelle Gesprächspartner. In: Linguistisches Kolloquium des Forschungszentrums Deutscher Sprachatlas und des Instituts für Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft der Philipps-Universität Marburg, November 6, 2019, Marburg/Germany.
[Colloquium, Talk]

Conference talks
I. Gessinger, E. A. Shams, J. Carson-Berndsen (2024): Phonetics and Phonology inside the Black Box. In: 10th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE), September 26-28, Alicante/Spain.
[Conference, Abstract, Talk]
I. Gessinger (2020): Phonetic Accommodation in Interaction with a Virtual Language Learning Tutor. In: PhD Day SFB 1102, February 10, Saarbrücken/Germany.
[Colloquium, Abstract, Talk]
I. Gessinger, B. Möbius, E. Raveh, I. Steiner (2019): Human-Computer Interaction: Convergence in Allophonic Contrasts. In: 41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), March 6-8, Bremen/Germany.
[Conference, Abstract, Talk]
I. Gessinger, E. Raveh, I. Steiner, B. Möbius (2018): Phonetic Convergence in Human-Computer Interaction. In: Workshop on Accommodation in Speech Communication, December 13, Zurich/Switzerland.
[Workshop, Abstract, Talk]
I. Gessinger, E. Raveh, B. Möbius, I. Steiner (2018): Phonetic Accommodation in HCI – Planning a WoZ Experiment. In: SimPhon.Net Workshop 5 – Psycholinguistic, Cognitive and Neurolinguistic Modeling in Phonetics and Phonology, June 4-6, Hohenheim/Germany.
[Workshop, Abstract, Talk]
I. Gessinger, B. Möbius, I. Steiner (2017): Capturing Phonetic Convergence by Global Analysis of Spectral Distance. In: Phonetik und Phonologie 13, September 28-29, Berlin/Germany.
[Conference, Abstract, Talk]
I. Gessinger (2015): Foreign Accent Imitation Under the Condition of Enhanced Intelligibility. In: 24th Annual Conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA), July 7-10, Leiden/The Netherlands.
[Conference, Abstract, Talk]

Conference posters
J. He and I. Gessinger (2024): The Influence of Visual Context on the Perception of Voice Assistant Gender. In: Phonetik und Phonologie 20, Oktober 1–2, Halle/Germany.
[Conference, Abstract, Poster]
I. Gessinger, E. A. Shams, J. Carson-Berndsen (2024): Phonetics and Phonology inside the Black Box. In: UK and Ireland Speech, July 1-2, Cambridge/UK.
[Conference, Abstract, Poster]
I. Gessinger and B. R. Cowan (2023): Prosody in Referential Communication with a Human or a Computer Partner. In: UK Speech, June 14-15, Sheffield/UK.
[Conference, Abstract, Poster]
I. Gessinger, B. Möbius, B. Andreeva, E. Raveh, I. Steiner (2019): Wo hat sich der Hase versteckt? Accommodation in a Wizard-of-Oz Experiment. In: Phonetik und Phonologie 15, September 26-27, Düsseldorf/Germany.
[Conference, Abstract, Poster]
E. Raveh, B. Möbius, I. Gessinger, I. Steiner (2019): Analyzing Phonetic Accommodation in Human-Human and Human-Computer Interactions. In: Phonetik und Phonologie 15, September 26-27, Düsseldorf/Germany.
[Conference, Abstract, Poster]
I. Gessinger, E. Raveh, B. Möbius, I. Steiner (2018): Phonetic Accommodation in HCI: Introducing a Wizard-of-Oz Experiment. In: Phonetik und Phonologie 14, September 6-7, Vienna/Austria.
[Conference, Abstract, Poster]
I. Gessinger, E. Raveh, S. Le Maguer, B. Möbius, I. Steiner (2017): Shadowing Synthesized Speech – Segmental Analysis of Phonetic Convergence. In: 25th Anniversary of the Department of Computational Linguistics and Phonetics, October 28, Saarbrücken/Germany.
[Colloquium, Abstract, Poster]
I. Gessinger (2017): Position Paper. In: 13th Young Researchers' Roundtable on Spoken Dialogue Systems, August 13-14, Saarbrücken/Germany.
[Workshop, Position Paper, Poster]
I. Gessinger, E. Raveh, J. O’Mahony, I. Steiner, B. Möbius (2016): A Shadowing Experiment with Natural and Synthetic Stimuli. In: Phonetik und Phonologie 12, October 13-14, Munich/Germany, 58-61.
[Conference, Full Paper, Poster]
E. Raveh and I. Gessinger (2016): Position Paper. In: 12th Young Researchers' Roundtable on Spoken Dialogue Systems, September 16-18, Los Angeles/USA.
[Workshop, Position Paper, Poster]
I. Gessinger (2015): Feedback in Pronunciation Training – Experience from Classroom Interaction. In: Workshop on Feedback in Pronunciation Training, November 4-6, Tholey/Germany.
[Workshop, Abstract, Poster]
I. Gessinger and L. Löff Machado (2014): Dialetalidade como Distância Fonética: Mediação da Competência em Alemão Standard. In: Encontro Comemorativo do Projeto VARSUL – Variação Linguística na Região Sul do Brasil, December 11-12, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre/Brazil.
[Colloquium, Abstract, Poster]