ICPhS (August 4-10, 2019)

Four years after the last International Congress of Phonetic Sciences in Glasgow, it was about time for the 19th edition! This year about 900 Phoneticians gathered at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia. The main areas covered by ICPhS are speech production, speech acoustics, speech perception, speech prosody, sound change, phonology, sociophonetics, language typology, first and second language acquisition, forensic phonetics, speaking styles, voice quality, clinical phonetics, and speech technology. We had the pleasure to present our paper A Wizard-of-Oz Experiment to Study Phonetic Accommodation in Human-Computer Interaction. We had a great time Down Under and we are looking forward to ICPhS 2023 at Charles University in Prague!

Proceedings of ICPhS 2019


ISCA-SAC Events @ Interspeech (September 14-19, 2019)

Will you be at Interspeech 2019 in Graz? Please consider joining the events hosted by ISCA’s student advisory committee (ISCA-SAC). This year we are organizing the 5th Doctoral Consortium (abstract submission deadline: July 17th), another edition of our successful Students Meet Experts event, and the new Mentoring format.

For more information, check out the Interspeech homepage.

University of Luxembourg (March 20, 2019)

Today the UdS Phonetics group visited Prof. Peter Gilles and colleagues at the Institut de langue et de littératures luxembourgeoises on the futuristic Belval Campus of the University of Luxembourg.

Are you interested in linguistic landscaping? Contribute to LINGSCAPE, a crowdsourcing project headed by Christoph Purschke and Peter Gilles.


DGfS Conference (March 6-8, 2019)

The 41st Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society (DGfS) took place at the University of Bremen from March 6th to 8th. We had the pleasure to contribute to AG6: Phonetic Contrast and Phonemic Opposition successfully organized by Felicitas Kleber (University of Munich), Stefanie Jannedy (ZAS Berlin), and Melanie Weirich (University of Jena). The invited talk by Andrew Wedel (University of Arizona) discussed how the optimization for lexical information transmission shapes systems of phonological contrast.


Accommodation Workshop (December 13, 2018)

The Workshop on Accommodation in Speech Communication organized by Elisa Pellegrino and Volker Dellwo for the University Research Priority Program Language and Space at the University of Zurich was a unique opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas among the accommodation community. We heard inspiring invited talks by Rivka Levitan (Brooklyn College CUNY), Jennifer Pardo (Montclair State University), and Antje Schweitzer (Stuttgart University). Our talk was part of the session on accommodation in human-machine interactions together with contributions by Rivka Levitan, Štefan Beňuš as well as Petra Jaecks and Karoline Malchus.

Book of abstracts
