Under Review
I. Gessinger, N. Becker, B. R. Cowan: Exploring the Relationship between Mental Boundary Strength and Phonetic Accommodation. Submitted to Language and Speech.
P. R. Doyle, I. Gessinger, J. Edwards, L. Clark, O. Dumbleton, D. Garaialde, D. Rough, A. Bleakley, B. R. Cowan: The Partner Modelling Questionnaire: A Validated Self-Report Measure of Perceptions toward Machines as Dialogue Partners. Submitted to ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction.
[Journal, arXiv]
I. Gessinger (2022): Phonetic Accommodation of Human Interlocutors in the Context of Human-Computer Interaction. Ph.D. thesis, Saarland University, Saarbrücken.
[Dissertation, DOI]
Journal articles
I. Gessinger, K. Seaborn, M. Steeds, B. R. Cowan (2025): ChatGPT and Me: First-Time and Experienced Users' Perceptions of ChatGPT's Communicative Ability as a Dialogue Partner. In: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 194, 103400.
[Journal, DOI, SSRN]
S. O’Connor Russell, I. Gessinger, A. Krason, G. Vigliocco, N. Harte (2024): What automatic speech recognition can and cannot do for
conversational speech transcription. In: Research Methods in Applied Linguistics 3(3), 100163.
[Journal, DOI]
P. R. Peña, P. Doyle, J. Edwards, D. Garaialde, D. Rough, A. Bleakley, L. Clark, A. Tobar Henriquez, H. Branigan, I. Gessinger, B. R. Cowan (2023): Audience Design and Egocentrism in Reference Production during Human-Computer Dialogue. In: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 176, 103058.
[Journal, DOI]
I. Gessinger, B. Möbius, S. Le Maguer, E. Raveh, I. Steiner (2021): Phonetic Accommodation in Interaction with a Virtual Language Learning Tutor: a Wizard-of-Oz Study. In: Journal of Phonetics 86, 101029.
[Journal, DOI]
I. Gessinger, E. Raveh, I. Steiner, B. Möbius (2021): Phonetic Accommodation to Natural and Synthetic Voices: Behavior of Groups and Individuals in Speech Shadowing. In: Speech Communication 127, 43-63.
[Journal, DOI]
Conference articles
E. A. Shams, I. Gessinger, J. Carson-Berndsen (2024): Uncovering Syllable Constituents in the Self-Attention-Based Speech Representations of Whisper. In: BlackboxNLP, November 5, Miami/USA, 238-247.
[Workshop, Full Paper, Poster, ACL Anthology]
J. He and I. Gessinger (2024): The Influence of Visual Context on the Perception of Voice Assistant Gender. In: Phonetik und Phonologie 20, Oktober 1–2, Halle/Germany.
[Conference, Full Paper, Poster]
I. Gessinger, B. Andreeva, B. R. Cowan (2024): The Use of Modifiers and f0 in Remote Referential Communication with Human and Computer Partners. In: Interspeech, September 1–5, Kos Island/Greece, 1575-1579.
[Conference, Full Paper, Poster, DOI]
E. A. Shams, I. Gessinger, P. C. English, J. Carson-Berndsen (2024): Are Articulatory Feature Overlaps Shrouded in Speech Embeddings? In: Interspeech, September 1–5, Kos Island/Greece, 4608-4612.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI]
M. Masson, E. A. Shams, I. Gessinger, J. Carson-Berndsen. (2024): PhoneViz: Exploring Alignments at a Glance. In: Interspeech, September 1–5, Kos Island/Greece, 3648-3649.
[Conference, Short Paper, Show and Tell]
K. Seaborn, I. Gessinger, S. Yoshida, B. R. Cowan, P. R. Doyle (2024): Cross-Cultural Validation of Partner Models for Voice User Interfaces. In: ACM Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, July 8–10, Luxembourg City/Luxembourg, Article 19, 1-10.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI, arXiv]
R. Jaber, S. Zhong, S. Kuoppamäki, A. Hosseini, I. Gessinger, D. P. Brumby, B. R. Cowan, D. McMillan (2024): Cooking With Agents: Designing Context-aware Voice Interaction for Complex Tasks. In: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 11–16, Honolulu, HI/USA.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI]
→ Best Paper Award at CHI 2024 🏆
I. Gessinger, M. Cohn, B. R. Cowan, G. Zellou, B. Möbius (2023): Cross-linguistic Emotion Perception in Human and TTS Voices. In: Interspeech, August 20-24, Dublin/Ireland, 5222-5226.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI]
S. Davern, O. Cooney, I. Gessinger, B. R. Cowan (2023): Investigating the Usability of a Speech Agent-based Role-playing Game. In: ACM Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, July 19-21, Eindhoven/The Netherlands, 38.
[Conference, Short Paper, Poster, DOI]
I. Gessinger, M. Cohn, G. Zellou, B. Möbius (2022): Cross-Cultural Comparison of Gradient Emotion Perception: Human vs. Alexa TTS Voices. In: Interspeech, September 18-22, Incheon/South Korea, 4970-4974.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI]
B. Andreeva, G. Demenko, J. Bachan, I. Gessinger, K. Jankowska, B. Möbius (2021): Phonetic convergence evaluation based on fundamental frequency variability. In: 32th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), March 3-5, Berlin/Germany, 153-160.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk]
I. Gessinger, B. Möbius, B. Andreeva, E. Raveh, I. Steiner (2020): Phonetic Accommodation of L2 German Speakers to the Virtual Language Learning Tutor Mirabella. In: Interspeech, October 25-29, Shanghai/China, 4118-4122.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI]
→ ISCA Award for Best Student Paper at Interspeech 2020 🏆
M. Cohn, E. Raveh, K. Predeck, I. Gessinger, B. Möbius, G. Zellou (2020): Differences in Gradient Emotion Perception: Human vs. Alexa Voices. In: Interspeech, October 25-29, Shanghai/China, 1818-1822.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI]
I. Gessinger, B. Möbius, B. Andreeva, E. Raveh, I. Steiner (2019): Phonetic Accommodation in a Wizard-of-Oz Experiment: Intonation and Segments. In: Interspeech, September 15-19, Graz/Austria, 301-305.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI]
E. Raveh, I. Siegert, I. Steiner, I. Gessinger, B. Möbius (2019): Three's a Crowd? Effects of a Second Human on Vocal Accommodation with a Voice Assistant. In: Interspeech, September 15-19, Graz/Austria, 4005-4009.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI]
I. Gessinger, B. Möbius, N. Fakhar, E. Raveh, I. Steiner (2019): A Wizard-of-Oz Experiment to Study Phonetic Accommodation in Human-Computer Interaction. In: International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), August 5-9, Melbourne/Australia, 1475-1479.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk]
E. Raveh, I. Steiner, I. Siegert, I. Gessinger, B. Möbius (2019): Comparing Phonetic Changes in Computer-Directed and Human-Directed Speech. In: 30th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), March 6-8, Dresden/Germany, 42-49.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk]
→ Best Student Paper at ESSV 2019 🏆
E. Raveh, I. Steiner, I. Gessinger, B. Möbius (2018): Studying Mutual Phonetic Influence with a Web-Based Spoken Dialogue System. In: 20th International Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOM), September 18-22, Leipzig/Germany. Springer, Cham, 552-562.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI, arXiv]
I. Gessinger, A. Schweitzer, B. Andreeva, E. Raveh, B. Möbius, I. Steiner (2018): Convergence of Pitch Accents in a Shadowing Task. In: Speech Prosody 9, June 13-16, Poznań/Poland, 225-229.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI]
I. Gessinger, E. Raveh, S. Le Maguer, B. Möbius, I. Steiner (2017): Shadowing Synthesized Speech – Segmental Analysis of Phonetic Convergence. In: Interspeech, August 20-24, Stockholm/Sweden, 3797-3801.
[Conference, Full Paper, Talk, DOI]
E. Raveh, I. Gessinger, S. Le Maguer, B. Möbius, I. Steiner (2017): Investigating Phonetic Convergence in a Shadowing Experiment with Synthetic Stimuli. In: 28th Conference on Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV), March 15-17, Saarbrücken/Germany, 254-261.
[Conference, Full Paper, Poster]
Edited volumes
S. Warchhold, D. Duran, I. Gessinger, E. Raveh (editors) (2022): Proceedings of the Conference: Human Perspectives on Spoken Human-Machine Interaction. November 15-17, 2021, Freiburg/Germany (online).
[Conference, Proceedings, DOI]
Invited talks
Phonetic Accommodation in Interaction with a Virtual Agent. In: HCI@UCD Research Seminar Series, October 21, 2022, Dublin/Ireland.
[Colloquium, Talk]
Cross-Cultural Comparison of Gradient Emotion Perception. In: Research Colloquium of the Multilinguality and Language Technology (MLT) group at the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), August 16, 2022, Saarbrücken/Germany.
[Colloquium, Talk]
Phonetic Accommodation in Interaction with a Virtual Agent. In: Research Colloquium of the Human Language Technologies group at INESC-ID, July 6, 2022, Lisbon/Portugal.
[Colloquium, Talk]
Zur phonetischen Anpassung an virtuelle Gesprächspartner. In: Linguistisches Kolloquium des Forschungszentrums Deutscher Sprachatlas und des Instituts für Germanistische Sprachwissenschaft der Philipps-Universität Marburg, November 6, 2019, Marburg/Germany.
[Colloquium, Talk]
Conference talks
I. Gessinger, E. A. Shams, J. Carson-Berndsen (2024): Phonetics and Phonology inside the Black Box. In: 10th Biennial International Conference on the Linguistics of Contemporary English (BICLCE), September 26-28, Alicante/Spain.
[Conference, Abstract, Talk]
I. Gessinger (2020): Phonetic Accommodation in Interaction with a Virtual Language Learning Tutor. In: PhD Day SFB 1102, February 10, Saarbrücken/Germany.
[Colloquium, Abstract, Talk]
I. Gessinger, B. Möbius, E. Raveh, I. Steiner (2019): Human-Computer Interaction: Convergence in Allophonic Contrasts. In: 41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), March 6-8, Bremen/Germany.
[Conference, Abstract, Talk]
I. Gessinger, E. Raveh, I. Steiner, B. Möbius (2018): Phonetic Convergence in Human-Computer Interaction. In: Workshop on Accommodation in Speech Communication, December 13, Zurich/Switzerland.
[Workshop, Abstract, Talk]
I. Gessinger, E. Raveh, B. Möbius, I. Steiner (2018): Phonetic Accommodation in HCI – Planning a WoZ Experiment. In: SimPhon.Net Workshop 5 – Psycholinguistic, Cognitive and Neurolinguistic Modeling in Phonetics and Phonology, June 4-6, Hohenheim/Germany.
[Workshop, Abstract, Talk]
I. Gessinger, B. Möbius, I. Steiner (2017): Capturing Phonetic Convergence by Global Analysis of Spectral Distance. In: Phonetik und Phonologie 13, September 28-29, Berlin/Germany.
[Conference, Abstract, Talk]
I. Gessinger (2015): Foreign Accent Imitation Under the Condition of Enhanced Intelligibility. In: 24th Annual Conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA), July 7-10, Leiden/The Netherlands.
[Conference, Abstract, Talk]
Conference posters
I. Gessinger, E. A. Shams, J. Carson-Berndsen (2025): How Transformer-Based ASR Models Handle Diverse Signal Perturbations on the Segmental Level. In: ISCA/ITG Workshop on Diversity in Large Speech and Language Models, February 20, Berlin/Germany.
[Workshop, Abstract, Poster]
I. Gessinger, E. A. Shams, J. Carson-Berndsen (2024): Phonetics and Phonology inside the Black Box. In: UK and Ireland Speech, July 1-2, Cambridge/UK.
[Conference, Abstract, Poster]
I. Gessinger and B. R. Cowan (2023): Prosody in Referential Communication with a Human or a Computer Partner. In: UK Speech, June 14-15, Sheffield/UK.
[Conference, Abstract, Poster]
I. Gessinger, B. Möbius, B. Andreeva, E. Raveh, I. Steiner (2019): Wo hat sich der Hase versteckt? Accommodation in a Wizard-of-Oz Experiment. In: Phonetik und Phonologie 15, September 26-27, Düsseldorf/Germany.
[Conference, Abstract, Poster]
E. Raveh, B. Möbius, I. Gessinger, I. Steiner (2019): Analyzing Phonetic Accommodation in Human-Human and Human-Computer Interactions. In: Phonetik und Phonologie 15, September 26-27, Düsseldorf/Germany.
[Conference, Abstract, Poster]
I. Gessinger, E. Raveh, B. Möbius, I. Steiner (2018): Phonetic Accommodation in HCI:
Introducing a Wizard-of-Oz Experiment. In: Phonetik und Phonologie 14, September 6-7, Vienna/Austria.
[Conference, Abstract, Poster]
I. Gessinger, E. Raveh, S. Le Maguer, B. Möbius, I. Steiner (2017): Shadowing Synthesized Speech – Segmental Analysis of Phonetic Convergence. In: 25th Anniversary of the Department of Computational Linguistics and Phonetics, October 28, Saarbrücken/Germany.
[Colloquium, Abstract, Poster]
I. Gessinger (2017): Position Paper. In: 13th Young Researchers' Roundtable on Spoken Dialogue Systems, August 13-14, Saarbrücken/Germany.
[Workshop, Position Paper, Poster]
I. Gessinger, E. Raveh, J. O’Mahony, I. Steiner, B. Möbius (2016): A Shadowing Experiment with Natural and Synthetic Stimuli. In: Phonetik und Phonologie 12, October 13-14, Munich/Germany, 58-61.
[Conference, Full Paper, Poster]
E. Raveh and I. Gessinger (2016): Position Paper. In: 12th Young Researchers' Roundtable on Spoken Dialogue Systems, September 16-18, Los Angeles/USA.
[Workshop, Position Paper, Poster]
I. Gessinger (2015): Feedback in Pronunciation Training – Experience from Classroom Interaction. In: Workshop on Feedback in Pronunciation Training, November 4-6, Tholey/Germany.
[Workshop, Abstract, Poster]
I. Gessinger and L. Löff Machado (2014): Dialetalidade como Distância Fonética: Mediação da Competência em Alemão Standard. In: Encontro Comemorativo do Projeto VARSUL – Variação Linguística na Região Sul do Brasil, December 11-12, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre/Brazil.
[Colloquium, Abstract, Poster]