Proceedings of SpoHuMa21 available

The proceedings of our conference about human perspectives on spoken human-machine interaction (HMI) are now available online. 📖 #openaccess 🔓

The papers presented at SpoHuMa21 explore spoken HMI from various angles. The contributions by Ibrahim & Skantze and Sinha & Siegert examine how human speech in HMI changes depending on the addressee and what challenges are involved in understanding its variability. Allen and Leisten & Rieser investigate another aspect of human speech, namely gender-based perception and behavior differences, and how these may influence the attitude towards speaking devices. Various medical applications that leverage spoken HMI are presented by Collins, Bevacqua, De Loor, & Querrec, Attas, Kellett, Blackmore, & Christensen, and Pevy, Christensen, Walker, & Reuber. These include seizure narration, emotion dimensions of speakers with anxiety disorders, and virtual medical assistance. Finally, Honkalammi, Veivo, & Johansson and Chen, Liesenfeld, Li, & Yao deal with cooperative aspects of spoken HMI, such as advice giving in learning processes and the effect of computer disfluency on memory recall.

Many thanks to the authors for their contributions and, of course, to FRIAS (Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies) for having us!